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Support the 2024 Catholic Charities Appeal with a gift towards Substance Abuse Disorder programs and treatments.

Catholic Charities Appeal 2024
Angel Scholarship FundFaith + Values Appeal for Catholic EducationFund A Dream
Priestly FormationHeart of a Shepherd
Women's Giving CircleSpread the Faith: Northeast Ohio Catholic MagazineTV MassDiocese of Cleveland ArchivesTributeGeneral Donation
Support the Church in Northeast Ohio and make a difference with your gift.
Demonstrate your gratitude to God for all the gifts with which God has blessed you.
Catholic Charities Appeal
Angel Scholarship FundFund A DreamFaith & Values Appeal
Priestly FormationHeart of a Shepherd
Women’s Giving CircleNortheast Ohio Catholic MagazineTV MassDiocese of Cleveland Archives
Enrich lives in Northeast Ohio through spiritual, educational, and charitable support.
We help foster faith-based stewardship in the community for the spiritual, educational and charitable needs of all.

Catholic Charities Appeal 2024

Catholic Charities' mission, for over 100 years, has been to provide help, create hope, and serve all people of every race and religion throughout the eight counties in the Diocese of Cleveland.

Giving Societies

We honor our Giving Society members, leaders whose extraordinary generosity is making a tremendous difference on the lives of people throughout the eight counties of the Diocese of Cleveland. Their commitment inspires others to respond generously in support of the spiritual, educational and charitable needs of our Diocese. Thank You, Donors!

Click on the society logos below to view our Honor Roll of Donors.


Caritas Guild

Annual Gift of $50,000 or more

"Everything is yours, Lord; do with it what you will. Give me only your love and grace. That is enough for me." -St. Ignatius of Loyola


Crosier Guild

Annual Gift of $25,000 to $49,999

"Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible." -St. Francis of Assisi


Bishops' Circle

Annual Gift of $10,000 - $24,999

"If you are what you should be, you will set the whole world ablaze." -St. Catherine of Siena


Mitre Society

Annual Gift of $5,000 - $9,999

"Yesterday is gone, tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin." -St. Teresa of Calcutta


Hoban Society

Annual Gift of $2,500 - $4,999

"Each of you must give as you have made up your own mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." -2 Corinthians 9:7


Pacers' Society

Annual Gift of $1,000 - $2,499

"Once we come to realize how much God has given us, a life of self-sacrifice, of working for him and for others, becomes a privileged way of responding to his great love." -Pope Francis


Heritage Society

Members of the Heritage Society understand the importance of passing on the legacy of our Catholic faith to the next generation. By making plans for a bequest or other future gift to strengthen the ministries of the Diocese of the Cleveland, these dedicated Catholics inspire others to help build Godu2019s kingdom on earth. We gratefully recognize and honor the individuals who have included their parish, or a diocesan ministry, such Catholic Charities, Catholic education or priestly formation in their estate plans.


For more information on how you can become a member of one of our societies, please contact Mary Lou at 216-696-6525 ext. 4070,



Faithful Apostles


"There is a time for everything and a season for everything under the heavens." -Ecclesiastes 3:1

As a member of the Faithful Apostles, you play a key role in creating a solid foundation as the Church continues to carry out Christ's healing mission on earth.u00a0Thank you for all that you have done and continue to do for Catholic Charities!


Prayer Cards 

Please enjoy these complimentary materials made with you in mind, our generous members of the Faithful Apostles of Christ. 

Bookmark Peace Prayer of St. Francis

Bookmark Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI 

Prayer Cards Prayers to the Apostles 


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Faithful Apostles of Christ?

How do I become a member?

Contributing to the Annual Appeal for twelve consecutive years earns you membership into the Faithful Apostles of Christ. We send welcome messages to new members each summer.

What recognition do members receive?

Members are recognized at the annual Mass of Thanksgiving at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist in downtown Cleveland. The mass typically takes place during the summer.

How do I maintain my membership?

Continue giving each year to the Catholic Charities Annual Appeal to renew your membership.

Is there a minimum donation to qualify for membership?

Every gift, large or small, makes a difference. Membership relies on longevity and loyalty, so there is no minimum donation.

What if I miss a year?

Please contact Sarah Gozur at 216-696-6525 x1910 or


Still unsure about something? For more information about membership, please contact Katie Galicic, Digital Giving & Appeals Associate, Sarah Gozur, Director of Annual Appeals.


Create Your Legacy

Demonstrate your gratitude to God for all the gifts with which God has blessed you.

Angel Scholarship Fund

Your participation in the Angel Scholarship Fund strengthens our schools - and our future - in countless ways.

Ways to Give

There are several ways you can support the ministries of the Church in Northeast Ohio and make a profound impact.