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Diocese Fundraiser Surpasses $1 million Philanthropist Sam Miller delivers inspiring remarks

Posted October 12, 2015

(October 12, 2015) The Alleluia Ball, a major fundraising event which supports Catholic education scholarships and St. John Cathedral renovation, has raised more than $1 million.

Some 750 people attended the affair at the new Cleveland Convention Center on Saturday evening, October 10, 2015. Attendees heard inspiring words from Lifetime Achievement Award recipient Sam Miller, the co-chairman emeritus of Forest City Enterprises. Miller was honored for his longstanding support of community health and human service organizations, including Catholic schools and Catholic human service agencies.

Proceeds from the event totaled $1,031,000.00.

Cleveland Bishop Richard Lennon said, “I am very grateful to all those who gave of their time, talent, and treasure to benefit so many children as well as the mother church of the Diocese.”

Patrick Grace, executive director of the Catholic Community Foundation, said, “Mr. Miller’s words contained so much passion and care for others that everyone in the audience was inspired; it was truly a memorable speech.” Grace said the funds will allow immediate help for those who seek quality Catholic education for their children, but cannot afford it. The money also will fund important renovations to St. John Cathedral, he added.

Initial proceeds from ticket and table sales amounted to more than $760,000. After hearing Miller’s remarks, a “live” auction produced $270,000.

The Alleluia Ball was co-chaired by Tim and Donna Panzica. In her closing remarks, Donna Panzica best summed up the evening saying, “The generosity in this room chokes me up. I think we just witnessed a miracle here in this room.”

Media Contact: Robert Tayek, Diocese Communications Office, 216-696-6525 x4460 or

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