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Catholic Community Foundation raises nearly $1.3 million on Giving Tuesday for 197 organizations

Posted November 29, 2018

For the third consecutive year, the Diocese of Cleveland rallied together in support of #weGiveCatholic, a one-day, online fundraiser on Giving Tuesday. During the 24-hour period, close to $1.3 million was raised for 197 participating Catholic organizations that serve people of all faiths, races and backgrounds throughout Northeast Ohio. This is a $600,000 increase over last year’s campaign.

“It is inspiring to see our entire Catholic community come together with a unified power and passion to make a difference in the life of Northeast Ohio,” said Patrick Grace, executive director of the Catholic Community Foundation. “We cannot thank our donors and faithful stewards enough. This year we set a goal of $850,000. As the day progressed, it was exhilarating to see the outpour of generousity and to know that the money raised also empowers those working and ministering at our schools, parishes and organizations.”

Of the 197 organizations participating in #weGiveCatholic, 31 participants raised more than $10,000. Five organizations, raised more than $75,000. Topping the leaderboard raising $107,190.00 was Assumption Academy in Broadview Heights. The school was rasing funds to support STREAM training for teachers, to upgrade techonology in the clasroom, support for the arts and student tuition assistance programs.

St. James parish in Lakewood set a goal to raise $6,000 to put towards restoration work and repair to exterior areas of the church. St. James claimed a top 25 position on the #weGiveCatholic leaderboard as they raised a total of $13,565. This included securing a $4,000 charitable match from the Friends of St. James and a $2,000 prize award from the Catholic Community Foundation.

Lake Catholic High School in Mentor took the number six ranking for most donors. Two hundred and thirty-one donors helped raise $15,929. Students at Lake Catholic took to social media and collaborated with staff for a daylong live stream. In real time viewers had the ability to see how donations would help improve various resources available to students.

Throughout the day, participating organizations engaged in a friendly competition to gain the most supporters and win awards from a $65,000 prize pool, which was raised in advance by the Catholic Community Foundation and generous donors who support this initiative. Sponsors for #weGiveCatholic 2018 included:

  • Pat Auletta
  • Bonne Bell Family Foundation
  • Rose Ann Benden
  • Chet Madej
  • Dick and Terry DeBacco
  • Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gatto
  • The Kurtz Foundation
  • Barbara and Abraham Miller Foundation
  • The Musca Family Charitable Foundation
  • Father Louis A. Pizmoht
  • Andy Rebholz
  • Riley Contracting
  • Dustin Applegate and Dr. Chris Hardesty
  • Northeast Ohio Natural Family Planning
  • Ohio Catholic Federal Credit Union
  • Sisters of Charity Foundation of Cleveland

Cleveland Bishop Nelson J. Perez thanked every single online donor via video message.

“The day embodied two prominent Catholic virtues: gratefulness and joy. It is because we are grateful for the many gifts that God has given that we are able to respond with joy and generosity in supporting institutions that carry out the mission of Jesus on earth,” the bishop said.

The Catholic Community Foundation and the Diocese of Cleveland invite Northeast Ohio to save the date for next year’s #weGiveCatholic: Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2019.

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