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Sold-out Alleluia Ball raises $1.32 million to support funding of tuition for Catholic education

Posted October 07, 2019

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The Alleluia Ball, a major fundraising gala that supports Catholic education, raised $1.32 million for “Fund a Dream,” a new initiative that supports funding individual student tuition.

A sold-out crowd of nearly 1,000 guests gathered at the themed event, ‘Keeping Dreams Alive,’ on Oct. 5 at the Hilton in downtown Cleveland. The Catholic Community Foundation, the organization that supports the mission of the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland by encouraging faithful philanthropy, organized the event and announced that funds raised will go toward assisting students in the 2020-2021 academic year.

Within the 108 Catholic schools in the diocese, 3,500 students currently benefit from tuition assistance. The goal of “Fund a Dream” is to provide more families with access to a Catholic education.

By launching this initative, $2,500 in tuition assitance will be provided to students identified by individual schools. Donors will also have the opportunity to communicate throughout the year with those students receiving sponsored aid to hear first hand how their school year is going.

Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan, archbishop of New York, was the featured speaker at the gala.

Lorraine Dodero, chair of this year’s Alleluia Ball, is recognized throughout Northeast Ohio for her community service and philanthropic involvement. She is the founder and current president of the Ohio Chapter of the Patrons of the Arts in the Vatican Museums.

The Alleluia Ball has a rich history. Since its inception, the Alleluia Ball has raised more than $7 million to support Catholic schools and families who seek a Catholic education for their children. Information about Fund a Dream can be found online at www.

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