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#weGiveCatholic Crowdfunding Event To Benefit 227 Northeast Ohio Organizations

Posted November 12, 2019

On Tuesday, December 3, the Catholic Community Foundation of the Diocese of Cleveland will host Northeast Ohio’s Online Day of Catholic Giving: #weGiveCatholic ( This crowdfunding event will take place on the biggest online Giving Day of the year, #GivingTuesday, a global day of giving that harnesses the collective power of individuals, communities, and organizations to raise awareness of participating organizations, encourage philanthropy, and celebrate generosity worldwide.

During the 24-hour event, individuals will have the opportunity to donate to 227 participating schools, parishes, ministries, Catholic Charities sites and programs, and other Catholic nonprofits through the website.

Many of the region’s notable Catholic organizations are participating in this year’s #weGiveCatholic, including Catholic Youth Organization (CYO), Society for St. Vincent de Paul, West Side Catholic Center, Camp Christopher, Catholic Charities, and St. Augustine Health Ministries. John Carroll University and Borromeo Seminary are also participating as are many Catholic elementary and high schools. Parishes from every corner of the eight-county Diocese of Cleveland will also be accepting donations through

Last year, #weGiveCatholic raised $1.2 million in 24 hours for participating Catholic organizations. During the 2019 event, organizations will enter into a “friendly” competition to gain the most supporters and win from a $64,000 prize pool.

Bishop Nelson J. Perez invites all people in Northeast Ohio to unite for this day in which “we will impact our parishes, schools, charities, and institutions by helping them have hope and helping them breathe a little easier that day.”

Patrick Grace, Executive Director of the Catholic Community Foundation, says: “We believe in the generosity of Catholics throughout the Diocese of Cleveland. The goal of #weGiveCatholic Giving Day is to inspire our Catholic community to come together by leveraging collective support for organizations that shape our soul.”

To learn more about #weGiveCatholic and to participant pages, visit, and follow #weGiveCatholic on Twitter and Facebook.

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