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The Catholic Community Foundation raises record-breaking $3.19 million during #weGiveCatholic

Posted December 02, 2021

For the 6th consecutive year, the Diocese of Cleveland rallied together to support #weGiveCatholic, Northeast Ohio’s online day of giving to Catholic organizations on Giving Tuesday. During the event, $3,194,704 million was raised for participating Catholic organizations that serve people of all faiths, races, and backgrounds throughout Northeast Ohio. The total raised represents six straight years of increased total donations.

“#weGiveCatholic exemplifies the extraordinary generosity of the faithful in this diocese. Yesterday, our community showed a tremendous heart and deep compassion for the charitable, educational and spiritual mission of their organizations,” said the Most Rev. Edward Malesic, bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland. “I am deeply grateful to the many people who contributed to the success of this year’s #weGiveCatholic effort, especially the staff of the Catholic Community Foundation, the Diocesan Communications Department, the Office of Catholic Education, the Parish Life Office, and, most of all, the donors. May God bless everyone for their willingness to get involved and help.”

Of the 210 organizations participating in #weGiveCatholic, 20 participants raised over $30,000. Six organizations raised over $100,000. Assumption Church & SATG at Assumption Academy in Broadview Heights topped the leaderboard by raising $333,000.

Throughout the day, many organizations, ministries, and schools took to social media to encourage participation, report on progress in reaching their fundraising goals, and share video messages that spoke to the importance of their ministries.

“The celebration of our Catholic faith and its philanthropic spirit was alive and well in our diocese yesterday, as the faithful of the Diocese of Cleveland came together with gratitude, generosity, and trust for the Catholic organizations that warm and nurture their souls,” said Patrick Grace, Executive Director of the Catholic Community Foundation. “Many thanks to each of the 10,696 donors and the countless volunteers, pastoral leaders, and staff of non-profits, ministries, schools, Catholic Charities, and parishes --all of whom spent many hours to raise awareness and funds that culminated in this remarkable day. We feel immense gratitude for our Catholic benefactors and the gifts they have shared with Northeast Ohio,” says Grace.

Throughout the day, participating organizations engaged in a “friendly” competition to gain the most supporters and win awards from a $62,500 prize pool raised in advance by the Catholic Community Foundation and generous donors who support this initiative. In addition, two matching gifts were presented by the Catholic Community Foundation: a $15,000 match sponsored by Boyd Watterson and an $80,000 diocesan tuition assistance match; both were fully matched by donations during specific times throughout the day. The 2021 #weGiveCatholic sponsors included:

  • · Richard Beckwith
  • · Boyd Watterson Asset Management, LLC
  • · Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gatto
  • Phil and Connie Kramer Charitable Fund
  • · Lamar Advertising
  • Chet Madej
  • · Edward Matuszak
  • · Dr. and Mrs. Charles Peter
  • Rev. Louis A. Pizmoht
  • · The Rebholz Family Foundation
  • · Sisters of Charity Foundation of Cleveland
  • Unity Catholic Federal Credit Union

The Catholic Community Foundation and Diocese of Cleveland invite Northeast Ohio to save the date for next year’s #weGiveCatholic: Tuesday, November 29, 2022.

“Thank you again to each of you for once again making this year’s #weGiveCatholic an amazing success,” said Grace.

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