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Catholic Charities Appeal 2024
Angel Scholarship FundFaith + Values Appeal for Catholic EducationFund A Dream
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Catholic Charities Appeal
Angel Scholarship FundFund A DreamFaith & Values Appeal
Priestly FormationHeart of a Shepherd
Women’s Giving CircleNortheast Ohio Catholic MagazineTV MassDiocese of Cleveland Archives
Enrich lives in Northeast Ohio through spiritual, educational, and charitable support.
We help foster faith-based stewardship in the community for the spiritual, educational and charitable needs of all.

Fr. Anthony Simone

In May 2017, along with seven other men, Anthony Simone was ordained a priest in the Diocese of Cleveland.

Fr. Anthony Simone now serves as parochial vicar at St. Sebastian Parish in Akron. Fr. Anthony began diving deeper into his faith after graduating from the University of Akron and while working in customer service at SherwinWilliams. He eventually discerned a call to the priesthood and entered Saint Mary Seminary & Graduate School of Theology in Wickliffe.

Along with the theology and formation, what Fr. Anthony most appreciates about his time at Saint Mary is learning “how much I need God.” His involvements in ministries and mission trips were also greatly impactful: teaching, working locally with hunger centers, RCIA, homeless shelters, and the disabled, as well as working abroad with the people of El Salvador and Tanzania. A love for people drew him to the priesthood in the first place; these seminary experiences further developed that love. “The seminary strengthened my gifts and my desire to serve.”

Fr. Simone truly enjoys his priestly responsibilities: “Confessions are my favorite because I don’t matter at all; God just uses me—it’s awesome. RCIA has been another favorite.”

“I’m busier than I’ve ever been, but it is in a very real, fulfilling way.”

Create Your Legacy

Demonstrate your gratitude to God for all the gifts with which God has blessed you.

Angel Scholarship Fund

Your participation in the Angel Scholarship Fund strengthens our schools - and our future - in countless ways.

Ways to Give

There are several ways you can support the ministries of the Church in Northeast Ohio and make a profound impact.