Our Board of Directors is comprised of Catholic, religious and community leaders actively engaged in supporting the mission of the Church in Northeast Ohio. Individually and collectively, our Board of Directors' advice and counsel provides the spark for meaningful initiatives that have long-lasting impact on our community.
Catholic Community Foundation Board

Most Reverend Edward C. Malesic, JCL, Sole Member
Bishop of Cleveland

Mr. Patrick Grace, Executive Director
Catholic Community Foundation
St. Luke, Lakewood

Mr. Andrew J. Rebholz, Chair
Retired Chief Executive Officer
TravelCenters of America Inc.
St. John Neumann, Strongsville

Mrs. Janice G. Murphy, Vice Chair
President & CEO
Sisters of Charity Health System
St. Mary of the Falls, Olmsted Falls

Mr. Kurt R. Packer, Treasurer
St. Dominic, Shaker Heights

Mrs. Maria O'Neil Ruddock, Secretary
Community Engagement & Advocacy Consultant
Community Center for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing
Cleveland Hearing & Speech Center
St. Noel, Willoughby Hills
Board Members

Reverend Steven K. Brunovsky
St. Hilary Parish, Fairlawn

Mrs. Diana Colegrove (Meyerson)
Senior Accountant
Brookfield Properties
Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, Cleveland

Mr. Joseph Corrigan
Assistant Project Manager
Terracon, Inc.
St. Luke, Lakewood, Fairview Park

Mr. Fred M. DeGrandis
NorthShore Healthcare
St. Christopher, Rocky River

Mrs. Lorraine Frankino - Dodero
The Sam J. Frankino Foundation
St. Francis of Assisi, Gates Mills

Mrs. Diane Roman Fusco
Retired Public Relations Counselor
Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, Cleveland

Reverend Vincent Hawk
Holy Trinity Parish
Holy Trinity, Avon

Ms. Helen Jarem
Assistant General Counsel
The Sherwin-Williams Company
St. Rita, Solon

Mrs. Kelly Keefe
St. Paschal Baylon, Highland Heights

Mr. Christopher M. Kelly
Jones Day
Gesu, University Heights
Anthony Searcy
Royal Alliance & Assoc.
St. John Neumann, Strongsville

Mr. John Leonbruno
Vice President Channels - Americas
St. Cyprian, Perry

Mr. Jack Lupica
Lead Client Consultant
St. Albert the Great, Parma, OH

Mr. Joseph Mahovlic
The Providence Group
Divine World, Kirtland

Mr. James L. Mason
Retired VP, Public & Community Affairs
Eaton Corporation
St. Francis of Assisi, Gates Mills

Mr. Kurt B. McMaken
Exec. V.P. and CFO
Brinks Company
St. Christopher, Rocky River

Mr. Timothy I. Panzica
IQ Advisors, LLC
St. Dominic, Shaker Hts.

Mr. Angel Rodriguez
Sr. V.P. of Sales
Sacred Heart Chapel, Lorain, OH

Mr. Robert J. Rogers
Former Managing Principal Findley Inc.
St. Joan of Arc, Chagrin Falls

Mr. Gerald Schroer, Jr.
Chief Executive Officer
The Schroer Group
St. Paul, North Canton

Mr. Rick J. Schultz
President & CEO
RMPS Publishing
St. Mary, Hudson

Mr. Michael R. Shaughnessy
Former Co-Chairman
Color Matrix Corp.
St. Dominic, Shaker Heights

Mrs. Mary Lynn Silvestro
Advisory Board
National Catholic Leadership Institute
St. Mary, Hudson

Dr. Andre Smith
Staff Pulmonologist
Respiratory Institute of the Cleveland Clinic
Holy Spirit, Garfield Heights

Mrs. Sarah Phelps Smith, PhD
Art Historian
Communion of Saints, Cleveland Heights
Mr. Joseph Williams
Electrolock Inc.
St. Helen, Newbury

Mrs. Margaret W. Wong
Margaret W. Wong & Associates, LLC.
St. Dominic, Shaker Hts.

Mr. Michael J. Ziegler
Senior Advisor
Arsenal Capital Partners
St. Basil the Great, Brecksville
Honorary Board Members
Mr. Patrick V. Auletta
President Emeritus
St. Francis of Assisi, Gates Mills
Mr. Lawrence J. Dolan
Owner & CEO
Cleveland Guardians Baseball Club
Holy Angels, Chagrin Falls
Mr. Umberto Fedeli
President & CEO
The Fedeli Group
St. Francis of Assisi, Gates Mills
Mr. Philip S. Kaufmann
Retired Partner
Stark & Knoll Co., LPA
St. Vincent de Paul, Akron
Mr. Raymond M. Murphy
JTM Company
Communion of Saints, Cleveland Heights
Mr. William J. O'Neill, Jr
Dungannon, LLC
Church of the Gesu, University Heights
Mr. George Wasmer
Former Chairman
Telefast Industries, Inc.
St. Angela Merici, Fairview Park
Mr. Dennis J. Bodziony
Retired Partner
Ernst & Young
Resurrection of Our Lord, Solon