Saturday, February 17, 2024
9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
8:00 AM - Opening Mass with Bishop Edward C. Malesic
St. Albert the Great Church and Parish Life Center
Breakfast and lunch included
General registration fee: $45
Registration fee for those receiving medical education credits* (5.25 hrs): $150
* For information about credits provided by the Christian Medical & Dental Associations, please click here.
Registration for students: Free
The conference theme, The Pursuit of Definitive Healing - Conforming to the Divine Will in Healthcare, was chosen to enhance our faith and level of awareness that definitive healing is only provided by our Most Blessed and loving Lord God. As we strive to align our wills to His Divine Will, each of us receives healing and peace that the world cannot give. We are then entrusted to share this treasure with others. As instruments of the Lord, healthcare professionals have unique opportunities to provide healing encounters for the sick which may facilitate them to conform their lives to the Divine Will. The audience will include healthcare professionals as well as all others not involved in the medical disciplines. To view the conference flyer, please click here.
This event will start at 8:00 AM with an opening Mass celebrated by Bishop Edward C. Malesic at St. Albert the Great Church (6667 Wallings Rd., North Royalton 44133). The conference will be in the Parish Life Center.
- Rebecca Ann Bidinotto, MHS, APRN, CRNA, CCRN Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist, Cleveland Clinic Medina Hospital: “Normalization of Deviance and Implications on Patient Safety”
- Rev. Joseph Brankatelli, Chaplain of the Cleveland Guild of the Catholic Medical Association: “How Catholic Social Teaching Can Shape Modern Medicine”
- Amber Rachel Day, M.D., Catholic Medical Association State Director for Ohio & Pediatric Physician: “Embracing Femininity and Creative Career Paths in Medicine”
- Jesse Felts, M.D., Assistant Professor at Case Western Reserve University Medical School, Academic Hospitalist, Internal Medicine, Cleveland VA Medical Center; Vice President of the Cleveland Guild of the Catholic Medical Association: “The Paschalian Approach in Medicine”
- Ted Parran, M.D., Professor and Chair in Medical Education, Case Western Reserve University, Co-director of the School of Medicine’s Addictions Pathway. “Comprehensive Illness Support from A to P: applying Bio-Psycho-Social-Spiritual-Family principles of Addiction treatment to chronic Pain management.”
- Ronald M. Sobecks, M.D., Professor of Medicine, Taussig Cancer Institute, Cleveland Clinic; President of the Cleveland Guild of the Catholic Medical Association: “Conforming to The Divine Will in Healthcare”
- Andrew Trew, LLB, Dip Law; Adjunct Professor/Systematics at St. Mary Seminary and Graduate School of Theology; Bioethicist of the Cleveland Guild of the Catholic Medical Association: "Valuing Human Life & Conforming to the Divine Will in Clinical Bioethics"
For questions about the conference, please call 216-312-4172.
For online registration assistance, please contact Debra Sudy, 216-696-6525 x 3670.