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Catholic Charities Appeal 2024
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Catholic Charities Appeal
Angel Scholarship FundFund A DreamFaith & Values Appeal
Priestly FormationHeart of a Shepherd
Women’s Giving CircleNortheast Ohio Catholic MagazineTV MassDiocese of Cleveland Archives
Enrich lives in Northeast Ohio through spiritual, educational, and charitable support.
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Alleluia Ball returns, raises $1.5 million for Catholic school tuition assistance

Posted March 28, 2022

The Alleluia Ball 2022 lived up to its theme of “Keeping Dreams Alive” as it raised more than $1.5 million for Catholic school tuition assistance across the Diocese of Cleveland. The gala drew more than...

New! Angel Scholarship Fund to Advantage New Ohio Tax Credit Program for Catholic School Students

Posted January 30, 2022

A new program that allows Ohioans to receive a 100% tax credit for up to $750 in cash donations to certified scholarship granting organizations has opened a new door for supporting tuition assistance to Catholic...

Diocese of Cleveland Awards $4 Million in Tuition Assistance to Catholic School Students

Posted January 15, 2022

The Catholic Community Foundation of the Diocese of Cleveland has distributed $3,012,650 to the Office of Catholic Education to provide diocesan tuition assistance to approximately 4,000 students attending Catholic schools throughout the Diocese. The distribution was...

The Catholic Community Foundation raises record-breaking $3.19 million during #weGiveCatholic

Posted December 02, 2021

For the 6th consecutive year, the Diocese of Cleveland rallied together to support #weGiveCatholic, Northeast Ohio’s online day of giving to Catholic organizations on Giving Tuesday. During the event, $3,194,704 million was raised for participating...

#weGiveCatholic returns for sixth year of Northeast Ohio’s Online Day of Catholic Giving

Posted November 12, 2021

On Nov. 30, the Catholic Community Foundation of the Diocese of Cleveland will ask people to come together as one community for the sixth year of #weGiveCatholic, Northeast Ohio’s Online Day of Catholic Giving. This annual...

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Demonstrate your gratitude to God for all the gifts with which God has blessed you.

Angel Scholarship Fund

Your participation in the Angel Scholarship Fund strengthens our schools - and our future - in countless ways.

Ways to Give

There are several ways you can support the ministries of the Church in Northeast Ohio and make a profound impact.