Fund A Dream is an innovative program that offers a special opportunity for donors to "adopt a student." Fund A Dream sponsors interact with their student(s) during the school year by receiving:
- The first name, grade level, and school name of their student(s)
- Invitation to a school Mass
- Comprehensive progress report(s) on their student(s)
- Personal communication from student(s)
Fund A Dream sponsors have provided tuition assistance for more than 750 students since the program's inception in 2020, including 237 students from 60 schools who received Fund A Dream scholarships for the 2024-2025 school year.
You can help to Fund A Dream!
Fund A Dream helps subsidize the cost of a Catholic education by providing a $2,500 scholarship that offsets the cost of a student's annual tuition.
You can help keep dreams alive for families who desire a Catholic education for their children by donating $2,500 (or multiples of $2,500) to provide tuition assistance.
Donations less than $2,500 are also gratefully accepted although you will not be paired with a student.
Fund A Dream connects generous donors with grateful students to keep their dreams of Catholic education alive.