Inviting and preparing men for the priesthood at our diocesan seminaries is the work of all Catholics throughout Northeast Ohio.

Your prayerful and generous support enables the seminaries to continue the trend of increased enrollment and to maintain a program of priestly formation that is essential to the sacramental life of the Church.
Borromeo Seminary and Saint Mary Seminary and Graduate School of Theology are very much like that house where the early disciples were seated awaiting the Spirit's fire at Pentecost. The seminary is a "house of formation" where men open their hearts to the Lord's Spirit to be formed on the human, spiritual, intellectual and pastoral level. Our seminaries remain an important house for the Church of Northeast Ohio because here the men who live, pray and study prepare to learn how to speak the language of the Spirit that reaches into the hearts of their brothers and sisters in Christ.
Support can have a meaningful and long lasting impact on the future of the Church and society, ensuring:
- Vocation awareness and support of our seminaries
- Continued evangelization
- Ongoing parish spiritual and educational formation programs
- Newman Campus ministry for college students
- Pastoral care for ethnic communities and those arriving from other countries
- Availability of sacraments to the incarcerated
- Preservation of the treasures of our faith for generations to come